Offshore Workers 7x More Likely To Die On Job

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, employees working for offshore oil and gas operations are seven times more likely to die on the job than the average U.S. worker.

The risks associated with these maritime jobs have been covered since the 1920’s, thanks to a Merchant Marine Act known as the “Jones Act.” The Jones Act allows seamen working on these offshore drilling sites to file claims and collect settlements from their employers in cases of employer or fellow employee negligence.

The Jones Act requires that all equipment is safe and suitable, all personnel are trained and efficient, and all facilities are equipped for building and repairing vessels.

Types of Offshore Injury

Offshore workers commonly experience maritime injuries including:

Injured maritime employees are entitled to a variety of benefits under the Jones Act. First, they are entitled to compensation for medical expenses, both those already paid and any future costs of recovery. Compensable medical expenses may include the costs of future surgery, ongoing rehabilitation, and transportation costs. Those who cannot return to work are entitled to past and future lost wages as well as costs for vocational retraining. Because serious injuries severely limit the types of jobs available to the victim, the Jones Act also allows damages for lost earning capacity. Additionally, injured workers are entitled to payments when they are temporarily or permanently disabled. In cases where the injury is caused by negligence, the victim is entitled to damages for pain and suffering.

How The Carlson Law Firm Can Help

If you, or someone you love has been injured or killed as a result of their work offshore, you may be entitled to the compensation you so rightly deserve. Contact the Carlson Law Firm today for a free, no obligation, consultation. If you are looking for prompt, personal and proven representation for your offshore injury, Jones Act claim or any other Maritime Law claim, The Carlson Law Firm is here to help. Our team of attorneys, specialists, and research associated has the experience and resources to guide you through your legal journey and help you secure the best results possible.

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